Example of a javascript application with web notifications

The example below is based on a small javascript library that will make it easier for you to create your own web applications with websocket communication.

*   WebSocket.CZ - Web Notifications
*   Basic javascript application for real time web notification
window.simpleWebNtf = new SimpleDataAPP({
    appName: "webntf"
    , svcName: "svc/webntf"
    , wssGateway: "apps.dataapps.cz/ws/gtw/"
    , docCookie: new SimpleDocCookie()
    /* THE IDENTIFIER OF YOUR WEBSOCKET SERVER (contact service provider) */
    , wssKey: ".........."
     *    Event handler that is fired when a websocket connection is opened
    , onOpen: function(evn){
        this.initSvc({ target:this.svcName , token:this.getToken() });
     *    Event handler that fires when a message is received from websocket
    , onData: function(msg){
        if ( msg.header.type != undefined && msg.header.type == "message" ) {
     *    Event handler that is fired when the application is initialized
    , onInit: function(app){
        this.setToken(function(){ return(app.docCookie.get("WSGSESSID")); });
        this.wsOpen(this.wssGateway + this.wssKey + "/");

*   Initialize a simple application

Javascript code snippet for processing websocket messages

A snippet of javascript code (application event handler, see example above) that captures and processes a websocket messages and displays notifications on a web page or through a browser Notification API.

, onData: function(msg){

    // check websocket message type
    if (msg.header.type != undefined && msg.header.type == "message") {

        // get data of notification
        var data = msg.body.data;

        // check if title of notification exists
        if (data.title != undefined && data.title.length > 0) {

            // check granted permission
            if (Notification.permission === "granted") {

                // display notification via browser
                var notification = new Notification(data.title, data);

            // or display notification in the web page
            } else { /* ... your own code ... */ }


Download free application for web notifications via websocket

For easy development, use and customize the basic javascript application for real-time web notifications via websocket. Download a free ZIP package with javascript application for web notifications.